Saturday, January 4, 2014

Top 10 Images of 2013

Today I'm posting a collection of my Top 10 Images of 2013.  I hope you enjoy them!  I'm always interested to hear which ones are your favorites, so please let me know which ones you liked the best.

Click on the images to see them larger.

"Hello New Day"  Sunrise light and waves in Playa del Carmen, Mexico.  February 2013.

"In the Hills" A sunrise view of Mt Hood from the wildflower fields of Columbia Hills State Park, Washington.  April 2013

"Rowena Sunrise" The first rays of sunlight shining down over a field of Arrowleaf Balsamroot at Rowena Crest in the Eastern Columbia River Gorge.  April 2013.

"Lush" Peak spring greens surrounding a beautiful waterfall deep in the Columbia River Gorge of Oregon. Catching the greens at their peak is truly an amazing experience. The colors are absolutely incredible!  May 2013.

"Awakening" Summer wildflowers and sunset alpenglow at Mt St Helens National Volcanic Monument, Washington.   June 2013.

"Fjallsárlón Midnight" An incredible tent site at the Fjallsárlón glacier lagoon in eastern Iceland.  July 2013

"Pure Iceland" A beautiful waterfall on the Berufjarðará River in the East Fjords of Iceland.  July 2013.

"The Photographer" A photographer composing an image at the edge of Dettifoss in Northeastern Iceland. This waterfall is 45 meters (150 ft) tall.  July 2013.

"Fire Tree"  Fall colors at the Portland Japanese Garden, Portland, OR. October 2013

"Abiqua Freeze"  Abiqua Falls, Oregon surrounded by icicles and frozen spray.  December 2013.


  1. I like your Mossy Grotto one the best. Just love the processing on that.

  2. I like "Awakening" the best Scott. They are all exceptional though...
